Tidied up my page a bit. Taking my art in a new direction, we'll see how it goes.
Age 45, Male
Joined on 4/3/09
Posted by MajesticBob - June 28th, 2011
Tidied up my page a bit. Taking my art in a new direction, we'll see how it goes.
Posted by MajesticBob - November 11th, 2010
Not that anybody ever reads my posts. But the PMotW is back. PmotW stands for Photo Manipulation of the Week. If you want to join this weeks, click the link. This weeks theme: "Edible Animals".
Posted by MajesticBob - August 6th, 2010
Leave me alone. I care not for hentai girl 5 keys or how slutty Teressa is. I do not want to see the next "awesome" hentai site. I do not want "easy money" "earning thousands a day" or all the problems that would go along with anyone stupid enough to fall for such a rouse. And yes, I am happy with my penis size.
Posted by MajesticBob - July 12th, 2010
I put my name in the hat for my first doubles competition on the art forum. I hope I get paired with someone who can color, I'm ok with pencils coloring not so much. Lol. For those you who have no Idea what I'm talking about:
1) It's an art forum thing.
2) Why the hell are you reading my news post? I'm a talentless hack. Go look at someone interesting like Kinsei or Ashman or ReNaenae or something. (I kid, stay as long as you want though I am pretty boring sometimes.)
3) I just needed to get a new news post up. The last one makes me sad. Also Bacon!
I guess while I'm here I'll plug this weeks PMotW12 It's much fun. Go show off your skills in photshop.
Posted by MajesticBob - July 2nd, 2010
Today Denise and I rescued an injured Squirrel. Every where we called said they could only put him down. So we tried to take care of him. He passed an hour ago. We called him Buddy. I don't know why I'm taking this so hard. Maybe I'm an old softy, but this felt like a punch to the guts. Make fun of me if you want. But right now I can barely hold back the tears. Sure it was just a squirrel, but I feel like I failed him. I dunno, It's silly but I can't help feeling sad.
Posted by MajesticBob - June 20th, 2010
For those of you who care or see me on the art forums, I may not be posting as often. I have been sick as of late and have to concentrate on getting better. This might mean I will not be doing the PMotW anymore. IDK I haven't decided, as it's not too hard to run. But don't hold your breath on anything new from me for a while. Oh and though I been sick It's nothing too serious so don't none of you get too concerned lol. It's just something that took the wind out of my sails.