Putting out the best I can manage and taking the criticism in stride. New stuff has been posted and more on it's way. And thanks to some helpful people *coughKinseicough* The quality of newer stuff has improved a bit. So I keep on going. Current pic is coming along nicely. Maybe I'll post a WIP, or maybe I'll keep it a surprise (unless you go to my thread in the art forum lol) Of course I don't know why I bother with news posts, No one really pays my page attention. But I'm sure people will eventually look through my stuff so I guess I should make these blogs to make it appear I'm not a slacker. Did a photo manip for a thread. Those are always fun. Here's what I made. was kinda a half assed Job. Messed up on it a bit suppose I should fix that eventually.
Where do you pull what out of ?